Use Cloudflare to Enhance the Performance ⏳ of your Website

In this video I'm going to show you how you can increase the speed of your website by using Cloudflare and many other benefits of cloudflare which has a 100% free plan as well.

The web page that accompanies this video can be found on the screen right now which tells you all about Cloudflare and how to use it for the numerous benefits including your web site speed.

Cloudflare is essentially an alternate DNS server which is basically the phone book for the internet when a person types in your website address into their web browser a DNS server take that web address which is letters or or whatever it is and turns it into numbers because that's how the internet works and communicates with each other.

Computers communicate with each other via a numeral system called IP addresses so a DNS server takes that web address that your website visitors enter into the web browser to try to get to your website and turn that into the IP address so then the website content can be displayed in your visitors web browser. 

Cloudflare has many different technologies which helps speed up your website and the way it basically does that is Cloudflare has hundreds of different servers all across the world and the DNS server that is closest to your website visitors geographical location is the Cloudflare server that serves up the web pages to your website visitor.

That's one way that your website is displayed and it's usable faster using Cloudflare another way is Cloudflare caches most of your website static content on your website that doesn’t change much, for example on this web page this video is not likely to change much ever and the images are not likely to change.

The Cloudflare server stores them at its web server so the second time your website visitor or third time or any subsequent time after the first time the visitor comes to visit your website Cloudflare serves up a cached version of the images and the other static content which makes the webpage show faster as well.

This is the Cloudflare member area right here. Cloudflare also has a lot of other benefits including analytics. The website analytics that Cloudflare provides are pretty basic unless you have a paid upgraded account. 

Cloudflare has different types of SSL encryption that you can enforce on your website and that's another benefit of Cloudflare is if you don't already have a secure website meaning, a website with the web address of https vs. http, you can get a security certificate 100% free through Cloudflare.

Cloudflare has a built-in firewall and there are other things to increase the speed of your website. See how it shows here that the content on our website, Scrapers〘N〙Bots, displays in just 1 second. 

That's quite fast but there are other factors that are involved here regarding page speed, it's not as if you have a slow website and you sign up with Cloudflare all the sudden you're going to be doing the quarter mile in 5 seconds it's not like that.

There are other factors involved when it comes to making your website as fast as possible. Come to this page at ...

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