What's OVERUNITY GENERATOR Written by Kaushal Mistry?
The Overunity Generator by world renowned inventor, patent holder and author Kaushal Mistry, brings you a step by step manual on how to save thousands of dollars every year by conserving electricity through building your own reasonably priced generator at home. Through his easy to read and understand instructions throughout his manual, You'll be saving thousands of dollars a year in no time, With minimal out of pocket expenses.
Holding more than 1,000 patents throughout his life until his untimely death at the age of 65, Kaushal Mistry was a very intelligent and successful inventor that went on to invention several of the common things that we use day to day. Before he came up with the Overunity Generator, he wanted to find the best way to save thousands of dollars a year on electricity without having to invest $10,000+ on alternative measures such as solar panels and other more expensive generators.
The Overunity Generator ...
- Costs just over $100 to build.
- Is weatherproof.
- Very easy to build. About as difficult to build the Overunity Gererator as it is to put together a piece of furniture from Wal-Mart.
- No Emissions, no fumes.
- Reliable 24/7 supplier of electricity for your home.

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