Price Discounts for Baby Sleep Miracle (how you can get your baby to sleep fast) 👼 by psychologist and mother Mrs. Mary-Ann Schuler
There is a lot of advice out there about getting your infant to sleep and many of these ideas are not only a bad idea, they can be dangerous:
- Ferberizing: previously mentioned method of letting your child cry themselves to sleep.
- Baby Swings: this one SEEMS harmless enough yet strongly advised against by American Academy of Pediatrics and the Consumer Protection Safety Commission.
Here are a few examples of some of the sleep inducing gems you will find inside Baby Sleep Miracle:
- Laughter: one of the main reasons infants have trouble falling asleep is tension and fear. If you remember when you were a child, the world is a scary and insecure place. On top of that, infants imaginations are so powerful that extremely intense nightmares, or night terrors, add to the tension. Getting your baby to laugh a lot right before bedtime eliminates that tension and promotes a calm and peace of mind for your baby or toddler. Baby Sleep Miracle contains tons of ideas to get your baby laughing and release that tension before bedtime.
- Noisy Environment: 'hu??' you may be thinking to yourself. The key here is not just ANY noise but a special kind of noise called 'miracle sounds' which are audios that are part of the Baby Sleep Miracle system.
- Why you should NEVER rock or nurse you child to sleep.
- How to safely and naturally boost your childs sleep hormones to make them drowzey, peaceful and ready for a good nights sleep.

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