Price Discounts 💵 for Youtube Secrets (youtube $ no marketing, filming, website) 📹 by Mike Williams
Youtube Secrets shows you ...
- Where to find and take advantage of 5,000,000 - 25,000,000 YouTube videos that are copyright safe meaning you can't and wont get in trouble using these videos in your Youtube Secrets campaign.
- Make money on every single video.
- How to edit/modify any of the YouTube videos and use them, as previously mentioned, without getting into trouble with YouTube.
- How to get any of these videos on the first page of Google with a simple 3 second trick very few people know about or use.
- YouTube video description errors to avoid.
- Reverse engineering peoples videos on YouTube, for example, ViralYouTubeSoft.
- How to own the top 3 - 5 spots on the right hand column of YouTube (related videos).
- 17 PDF documents to assist in the Youtube Secrets system.