Increase Speed of
Website by Eliminating Website Dependencies on Remote Resources
Increase Speed of Website by Eliminating Website Dependencies on Remote
When you visit the web page on Increase
Speed of Website by Eliminating Website Dependencies on Remote Resources you
will find full information along with video and images on the follow topics
related to Increase Speed of Website by Eliminating Website Dependencies on
Remote Resources
In this video I am going to show you another tip on how to increase the speed
of your website by removing dependancies on remote files and remote scripts.
This is the web page that corresponds with this video and can be found at
When a website visitor or search engine visits one of your web pages, a
request to the web server, is made for that web page and that web page consists
of numerous files including text, images, video, etc.
Before your webpage can finish loading, and the Google Page Speed insights
scores based upon when your page has finished loading and is actually scrollable
and usable by the user.
Why your Web Pages Dependencies on Remote Files and Scripts is Bad for Web
Page Load Speed
The more of these things that your webpage has to load before it completes
loading makes it slower but one thing that makes it even slower is if these
items and objects that your web page is depended upon are external and the more
external resources that your web page is dependent on the slower your website's
going to be because not only does your webpage have to load the scripts and
files that reside on your own website server but now the web server or the web
page has to make requests to remote sites and so, you know how they say the a
chain is only as strong as its weakest link?
Well your web page can only be as fast as the slowest remote script or file
is to load. I guess the best anology I can think of is imagine you want to
decrease the time it takes for you to drive to work. There are various factors
involved in how fast you get to work including the traffic, the route you take,
how fast your car is.
A web pages dependancy on external scripts is like you having to make stops
along the way, to different addresses, to pick up other people to take to work
with you. Do you think this is going to slow down the time it takes for you to
get to work?
The way you can view the number of external scripts and files that your
website or web page is dependant upon it is simply go to the web page, make sure
your mouse isn't over an image or video or advertisement, right click, click
from the pop up menu, press Ctrl + F
on your keyboard, type src=
and the number here is 240 which is a
lot but more important than the number is if those dependencies on scripts are
external or not. You see this site is, see here is a dependency on a
script that's outside the website.
Sources that you see that's dependent on anything outside of, in
this particular case, the slower the site's going to be. Now it's pretty
difficult to go into great detail to tell you how to remove your dependencies on
remote files and scripts without being able to view your website in
Does your website really need some of the fancy things that it has the make
it look fancy which may impress your friends, but I think it's more important
that you impress your websites visitors and Google and a faster loading website
is the way to do that.
You can read our article on delaying the loading of external resources if you
have to depend on any external resources - just scroll to the bottom of this
page, there will be a list of
various things you can do to dramatically increase the speed of your
Speed Of Website View Websites Dependancies On External Scripts.

Increase Speed Of Website View Websites Dependancies On
External Scripts.